In the open market, the value of Riyal continuously increases against the Pakistani Rupee. At present, the price of one Rial is 73.97 Pakistani Rupees.
Saudi Riyal to PKR. Within Pakistan, the Saudi Riyal is selling at Rs 73.97 while it is selling at Rs 74.40 in the open market.
Saudi Riyal (SAR or SR) is the official currency of Saudi Arabia. One Riyal is divided into 100 halals. The cost of one Halale is 0.97
Latest exchange rate of Saudi Riyal to PKR today 2024
As of today, October 9, 2024, the exchange rate stands at approximately 1 SAR = 73.97 PKR.
As of 9 October 2024, the open market exchange rate is 73.97 paise, so the price of 100 Saudi Riyal in Pakistani currency is equal to 7397.67, the price of 500 Saudi Riyal is equal to 36988.36, and 1000 Saudi Riyal is equal to 73976.71.
If you want to know the new price of Riyal or you want to send Riyal to someone, then click on this Saudi Riyal to PKR.
You can contact any Western Union in your city to buy or sell Up Rial.
Factors Influencing the Exchange Rate.
Oil Prices: Saudi Arabia is one of the largest oil producers globally. Fluctuations in oil prices directly impact the strength of the Riyal. Higher oil prices typically strengthen the Riyal, while drops can weaken it.
Political Stability: Political events in either country can create volatility in currency values. Stability usually leads to stronger currencies, while uncertainty can lead to depreciation.
Central Bank Policies: The policies set by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) and the State Bank of Pakistan play a important role in shaping the exchange rates. Interest rates, inflation targets, and foreign exchange reserves are all crucial indicators.
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